IBC COVID-19 FAQ, Protocol and To-Do Lists:

Frequently Asked Questions:

When is IBC resuming in-person church services?

We are currently re-opened for in-person services.

What should I do before attending service?

Please be aware that attendance is at your own risk. Attendees are asked to comply by the To-Do lists (see below) before, during and after attending the church service.

Please bring your own face mask which is mandatory for use at IBC.

How many people can attend the service?

Church gatherings will have a maximum limit of 39 people. We reserve the right to deny entry to our worship service and or ministries.

What should I expect at the church service?

Attendees will be assigned specific seating and must agree to have their contact information shared with Public Health if a COVID-19 outbreak involving IBC occurs. The church will have one-way only foot traffic marked out. Please bring your own Bible. Lyrics will be projected on the screen. Attendees are to abide by the Provincial, Federal and local guidelines regarding COVID-19 during the service. In addition, attendees are reminded not to socialize without proper physical distancing in the parking lot or other public spaces after the service. The church will take measures to clean and disinfect public spaces.

I don’t feel comfortable coming – will services continue to be made online?

Services will continue to be live-streamed online on our YouTube channel.

IBC Youtube Channel


To-Do Lists for Attendees

Before the Church Service:

Attendees to review the below guidelines and Provincial, Federal and local guidelines before attending service, found here:

Federal Provincial BCCDC Municipal

This includes:

  • Wearing medical masks or cloth face coverings is mandatory when in attendance at IBC.

  • Practicing good hygiene (hand hygiene, avoid touching face, taking measures to minimize dispersion of respiratory droplets when coughing, sneezing, talking)

  • Staying at home and away from others if symptomatic/feeling ill

  • Maintaining physical distancing as much as possible when outside of the home (from non-household members)

  • Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects

  • Staying at home as much as possible if at high risk of severe illness

  • Wearing medical masks or cloth face coverings is recommended when in public

  • Physical distancing – maintaining a two-metre separation from others when outside the household

  • Avoiding physical contact (such as handshaking) and sharing items with members outside one’s household


Before the Church Service (Continued):

Attendees are to take temperature checks at their homes prior to attendance and stay home if you have a fever or flu-like symptoms and seek appropriate medical advice. If in doubt, stay home.

Attendees to seek medical advice if they believe they may have a relevant underlying medical condition as defined by the CDC prior to undertaking any activity outside of the home.

Attendees to refrain from food/drink immediately prior to service, unless medically necessary. Please use your bathroom at home immediately prior to leaving for IBC.

Attendees to wear clean clothes to the service.

Attendees to bring their own PPE, including Face Coverings (now mandatory at IBC) and gloves.

During the Church Service:

Attendees to abide by the Provincial, Federal and local guidelines regarding COVID-19 (see above).

Refrain from using the bathroom unless absolutely necessary, as our washroom is for urgent use and attendee self-directed cleaning is required.

Attendees to follow procedures for entering and exiting the church building.

Attendees are not to touch surfaces inside the church unnecessarily and are to clean such surfaces which are touched.

After the Church Service:

Attendees to wash the clothing they wore to the service again after the service.

Any individual to contact the church immediately if they experience any flu-like symptoms and to seek medical advice.

Please share reflections, comments, and suggestions directly with church leadership to foster ongoing dialogue during the pandemic.


Contact Info Regarding Questions:

Email: ccc@immanuelbc.ca

Phone: 604-327-4010

Please note that the above information is subject to change as the situation evolves.